since 1996

With over 25 years of experience in the sector, Alticolor specialises in cutting-edge treatments on items in titanium, aluminium, steel, copper, brass and plastic that require precision processes.

Trusted advice

Not just innovative treatments but also customised processes modelled on specific end requirements. Alticolor's customers can benefit from an internal research, development, prototyping and engineering team. In order to support the excellent results obtained by Alticolor, additional tests specified by the sectors in which customers operate are carried out by accredited laboratories

Combining manual skill and technology

Alticolor's distinguishing feature is its versatility. Manual operations delivering high-precision treatments accompany automatic processing equipment.

Every phase is monitored continually, to ensure the highest quality for a given industry.


Da sempre l’azienda si contraddistingue per le politiche di rispetto dell’ambiente con due torri di abbattimento dei fumi, un impianto a ciclo chiuso per lo smaltimento dei fluidi e il sistema a pannelli solari, Alticolor garantisce un processo di produzione ad impatto zero.


Flavio and his siblings enter the family business, which is opening up to new sectors that require specialist treatments on titanium and aluminium components.


Flavio and Lucia establish Alticolor, a new company in Piazzola sul Brenta which is the culmination of over 10 years of experience and passion in the treatment of titanium and aluminium in various sectors, including the biomedical, dental, jewellery, automotive, aviation, sport, high-end goods, food and general engineering sectors. From the start Alticolor is chosen by leading companies that steer the Italian and American markets, a pool of major customers destined to grow and strengthen in the coming years.


Alticolor aims to build partnerships with its customers to create long-term value. As a result customers start coming to Alticolor not only for metal treatments, but also for specialist advice on developing new treatments so that their items have the properties and performance they require.


Alticolor has been investing in personnel training, innovative equipment and obtaining certification from the outset, therefore after obtaining the notable ISO 9001 2015 certification, the company also obtains 13485:2016 certification, is already compliant with the new European Medical Device Regulation (MDR), and obtains a Qualanod licence


The Alticolor offering is enhanced with new processes and the materials treated. Alongside anodising treatment on titanium and aluminium, special treatments are added such as electropolishing, micro shot-peening and chemical deburring, on new surfaces including brass, copper, carbon and plastic.


Alticolor's business management and document archiving systems are certified with the aim of achieving an increasingly paperless process. Alticolor also obtains EN 9100:2018 certification.


A photovoltaic system is installed, which enables the company to halve its consumption of energy from fossil fuels.


An important milestone in the company's history. In 2023, Alticolor, together with the entire team, celebrates the fifteenth anniversary of the foundation date.

Alticolor treatments undergo rigorous control procedures
resulting in certification to guarantee the quality
of the process management.

  • certificato-en-9100-2018-iso-9001-2015

    ISO 9001:2015
    EN 9100:2018

  • certificato-14001-2015


  • certificato-45001-2023


  • certificato-nadcap

    Chemical processing
    NADCAP Accreditation

  • certificato-uni-cei


  • certificato-iqnet


  • certificato-qualanod

    LICENCE N° 768

  • certificato-qualanod-anodizzazione-dura

    LICENCE N° 768


The service providing assembly operations in cleanrooms is available for anyone requiring products to be assembled in a controlled environment, and is available for every sector either as a final step following treatment or as a one-off service.

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Research and

Alticolor supports customers in the design phase through processes, analyses, research and prototypes that aim to create treatments that achieve maximum performance and aesthetics in the relevant sector of application.

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Tell us about your project

We work closely with every company to identify the most suitable treatment to achieve the desired properties for your item. Tell us what you need and together we will find the best solution.

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