Chemical Steel

Removes microburrs and impurities from items with treatment that guarantees maximum uniformity and resistance to corrosion.

Benefits of chemical steel deburring

  • 01.

    Resistance to corrosion

  • 02.

    Improved resistance to fatigue

  • 03.

    Improved roughness value

Process of chemical steel deburring

Chemical deburring is an electrochemical process that removes a controlled amount of material from the external layer of an item. The action of chemical deburring on steel eliminates surface imperfections, contaminants, sharp edges and burrs, cracks and micro-perforations that could lead to corrosion. 

The surface that is obtained is smooth, highly resistant to corrosion and free from imperfections that could compromise the strength and longevity of the item.

How we support our customers

Alticolor has used its chemical deburring treatment to resolve engine malfunctions for customers operating in the automotive industry, caused by micro-burrs and impurities that interfered with startup processes.

Alticolor treatments undergo rigorous control procedures
resulting in certification to guarantee the quality
of the process management.

  • certificato-en-9100-2018-iso-9001-2015

    ISO 9001:2015
    EN 9100:2018

  • certificato-13485


  • certificato-45001-2023


  • certificato-14001-2015


  • certificato-nadcap

    Chemical processing
    NADCAP Accreditation

  • certificato-qualanod

    LICENCE N° 768

  • certificato-qualanod-anodizzazione-dura

    LICENCE N° 768


The service providing assembly operations in cleanrooms is available for anyone requiring products to be assembled in a controlled environment, and is available for every sector either as a final step following treatment or as a one-off service.

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Research and

Alticolor supports customers in the design phase through processes, analyses, research and prototypes that aim to create treatments that achieve maximum performance and aesthetics in the relevant sector of application.

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Different sectors, same care and quality.

Related Treatments

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We work closely with every company to identify the most suitable treatment to achieve the desired properties for your item. Tell us what you need and together we will find the best solution.

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